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Let`s Congratulate Sally Horne- Badovinac on becoming President of the North American Drosophila Board of Directors (aka "the Fly Board") & Jean Greenberg on becoming the President-elect of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.



30400. Protein Fundamentals 
A comprehensive survey of protein and DNA structure chromatin, and DNA binding proteins. 
(Autumn: Piccirrilli.)

31000. Fundamentals in Molecular Biology
The course covers nucleic acid structure and DNAtopology, recombinant DNA technology, DNA replication, DNA damage, mutagenesis and repair, Transposons and site-specific recombination, prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription and its regulation, RNA structure, splicing and catalytic RNAs, protein synthesis, and chromatin.
(Winter: Rust, Munro)

31200. Molecular Biology I 
Nucleic acid structure; mechanisms of transcription and replication. Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes, and of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 
(Winter: Rothman-Denes.)

31300. Molecular Biology II 
Eukaryotic Gene Expression. Transcription and Posttranscriptional Regulation. Analysis of regulatory pathways and mechanisms involved in the control of eukaryotic gene activity. 
(Spring: Turkewitz, Staley)

31400. Genetic Analysis of Model Organisms
Coverage of the fundamental tools of genetic analysis as used to study biological phenomena. Topics include genetic exchange in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, analysis of gene function, and epigenetics. 
(Autumn: Bishop and Staff.)

31500. Genetic Mechanisms 
Advanced coverage of genetic mechanisms involved in genome stability and rearrangement in lower and higher organisms. Topics include the genetics of mutagenesis, DNA repair, homologous and site specific recombination, transposition and chromosome segregation. 
(Winter: Bishop, Ellis.)

31600. Cell Biology
Eukaryotic protein traffic and related topics, including molecular motors and cytoskeletal dynamics, organelle architecture and biogenesis, protein translocationand sorting, compartmentalization in the secretory pathway, endocytosis and exocytosis,and mechanisms and regulation of membrane fusion.
(Autumn: Turkewitz, Glick.)

31700. Cell Biology II
Cell cycle progression, cell growth, cell death, cytoskeletal polymers and motors, cell motility, and cell polarity. 
(Winter: Glotzer, Kovar)

31900. Introduction to Research
Lectures on current research by departmental faculty and other invited speakers. A required course for all first-year graduate students. 
(Autumn, Winter: Staff.)

34300. Principles and Practices of Electron Microscopy
This course deals with the principles involved in obtaining electron micrographs of biological specimens. Preparation techniques and analytical procedures will be offered at an individualized level. 
(Spring: Josephs.)

34600. Viruses of Eukaryotes 
An advanced lecture course on viruses infecting animals and humans. 
(Spring: Roizman.)

35400. Advanced Developmental Biology 
This course provides an overview of the fundamental questions of developmental biology, presenting both the classical embryological experiments that defined these questions, and the modern molecular and genetic experiments that have been employed to try to reach mechanistic answers to these questions. The first portion of the course will focus on the mechanism of axis formation in a variety of organisms; the second part of the course will explore selected topics in the field. 
(Autumn: Ferguson, Preuss.)

35500. Developmental Genetics of Non-vertebrate Model Systems 
This course explores the use of genetics in three different model systems, C. elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and Arabodopsis thaliana, to elucidate developmental mechanisms. The class will focus on a series of interrelated topics: for each topic, introductory material presented by the lecturer will be followed by student-led discussions of individual papers. 
(Winter: Ferguson, Du, Greenberg.)

35600. Vertebrate Developmental Genetics
This advanced-level course combines lectures, student presentations, and discussion sections. It covers major topics in the developmental biology of vertebrate embryos (e.g., formation of the germ line, gastrulation, segmentation, nervous system development, limb patterning, organogenesis). The course makes extensive use of the current primary literature and emphasizes experimental approaches including embryology, genetics, and molecular genetics. 
(Spring: Prince, Millen.)

35800. Developmental Neurobiology 
Topics include neural induction, early patterning of the central nervous system, axon guidance and neuronal migration, the development of brain activity, and the mechanisms of plasticity that fine-tune brain function. Approaches will range from molecular to cellular to systems neurobiology. Focus will be on the vertebrate CNS but attention will be given to important lessons from invertebrate systems. 
(Winter: Grove, Zou, Issa.)

38000. Genomic & Proteomic Approaches to Biological Questions
Lectures with emphasis on concepts and experimental approaches in Genomics and Proteomics. Topics to include: Bioinformatic tools for DNA analysis and protein analysis, genomic tools for high-throughput genetics, arrays for DNA & RNA detection, genome organization, comparative genomics, human evolution, current technologies for profiling proteomes, protein interaction networks, chemical genomics, and markers of disease. 
(Spring: Preuss, Kay.)

39900. Readings/Topics in MGCB. 

47000. Thesis Research.

47100. Non-Thesis Research. 